Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Group Game C# code and Shaderlab Stencil Buffer

During my time coding for the game I discovered a type of shader that allowed only certain parts of the scene to be rendered through a special mesh with another shader attached to that. The method is knows as a Stencil buffer. Although I managed to include this in the final project, I wouldn't do it again as it makes the textures not look as good as the standard unity shader and makes shadows and projected lights looks strange and distorted, in the end I am glad I found the technique although I feel that if I had spent more time with it I could of got a much better result.

For the scripts I tried to work with a State Machine, the main bulk of my script consisted of a large string of code that featured most of the different states that the game could be in. From there I could use other files to call the functions from my main code, making it much easier to locate them and pin them all to one file if something went wrong. During the final stages of the game this allowed me to discover a fix for a bug we experienced preventing the player from getting the good ending to our game, regardless of what they did.

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