Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Future Subway Build and Screenshots

For the final build I assigned the textures to the models and placed them all in a scene, finally adding image effects and an animation fly over of the scene.

Overall I am pleased with the outcome considering I changed my idea, although If I had more time just focusing on the one Idea I am sure I would of been able to produce a more desirable outcome, in the future I will be sure to backup my work and manage my time more effectively on projects, I would also focus more on hard surface environment than assets as I enjoy doing that much more than making vehicles or characters. In future projects I would also focus more on making regular blog posts to also keep a track of my progress and allow for some small level of backup.

For next year I hope to work on a group project game with a small group of two people in which I will work on environment, I am looking forward to the new opportunities it will bring to me

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Future Subway Unwraps

For the subway I have tried to make use of texture space by including as many assets as I could on one sheet. For the entire scene I only used 4 colour maps and 4 of each other respective maps (e.g. Albedo, Specular, Normal, Emissive, Ambient Occlusion) All the textures were then made using Quixel with exception of the floor tiles, in which I made a more high poly asset to bake using xNormals software.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Group Game C# code and Shaderlab Stencil Buffer

During my time coding for the game I discovered a type of shader that allowed only certain parts of the scene to be rendered through a special mesh with another shader attached to that. The method is knows as a Stencil buffer. Although I managed to include this in the final project, I wouldn't do it again as it makes the textures not look as good as the standard unity shader and makes shadows and projected lights looks strange and distorted, in the end I am glad I found the technique although I feel that if I had spent more time with it I could of got a much better result.

For the scripts I tried to work with a State Machine, the main bulk of my script consisted of a large string of code that featured most of the different states that the game could be in. From there I could use other files to call the functions from my main code, making it much easier to locate them and pin them all to one file if something went wrong. During the final stages of the game this allowed me to discover a fix for a bug we experienced preventing the player from getting the good ending to our game, regardless of what they did.

Group Game Project - 3D Models

During the group game project I was responsible for the Hub Scene, The Space Scene, and the code. Firstly I began by grey-boxing out the project and finding out what area went together the best, by doing this it allowed me to look around the scene without putting too much effort into making highly detailed models. For the space scene I modeled a cockpit and a few corridors in order to make an enclosed space for the game, I also used high resolution 4K textures for my environment made in nDo and dDo baker within the quixel suite. Sadly at the end I didn't anticipate the amount of time it would take to texture and place all the images in the scene correctly and didn't manage to complete a finished Habitation Scene.

Final Space Scene Renders

Grey Box Renders

Grey Box Cockpit

Final Render Corridor

Original Hab Portal

Original Hab Layout

Hologram Displays

Greybox Corridor Scene

Greybox Corridor Scene Opposite Direction

If I was to plan my time differently I would of given myself much more time to complete the scenes and focus on getting them ready for the hand in.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Future Subway Models and Assets LowPoly

The next stage of creating the new subway was to create some low poly assets for the scene, I did these mostly freehand as I didn't have time on my side, I tried to make the most out of the polygons I used in the assets to make bevels and make things look interesting, although most of the detail would be added when using Quixel Ndo to add normal maps giving the impression of words and decals printed onto the pillars and doors for example.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Drop Pod 3D Model and Idea Change

Here are some of the maya scenes of the drop pod I was working on, during the process the file corrupted and I couldn't remake the model with the time I had left, so I decided to start on a different more simpler scene I knew I could get finished with the limited time I had left. For the drop pod I have finished the exterior and set some of the scene for the drop pod using flags, sandbags and poles with wires and lights on them.

Overall I was happy with the outcome I managed to get with the drop pod, but sadly because of file issues I was unable to make it to the high poly stage. If I was to change anything about my workflow, it would be to make more backups to prevent things like file corruption and other misfortunate events from happening.

After discovering the issue with my Drop pod file, I decided to move onto a more simple subway scene that I knew I could get finished for my deadline. For the new scene I tried to go with a semi sci-fi futuristic scene inside of a closed off subway in Asia, I began to look up inspiration to allow me to better visualize the scene and began by looking into holograms and floating signage, as well as platforms from the London underground.